Polish Verb Conjugations
A template for learning Polish conjugation. It is completely interactive, by clicking/tapping on boxes that show up the annswers. It includes X tables with X conjugations, notes, examples, carousel. All The Witcher inspired!
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Template for learning web development concepts from Adalab with question-answer, terminal for code and language icons.
German vocabulary
A simple template for German vocabulary with picture, drop-down extra info menu, tags, translation, example sentence and hint sentence when hovering on the image (tap on mobile).
Probier's malComing next
A template for learning strong verbs in German, some duden-inspired German vocab and grammar templates. Also, some more Polish vocab templates! đ„
German duden Vocab
A template for learning German vocabulary inspired by Duden dictionary. It has place for examples, translations, definitions and extra info.
German Duden Grammar
A little experiment for reviewing German grammar. It shows grammar explanation of a point, a table of contents. The key is that some sentences/words are hidden and you can only see them when you hover or tap (mobile) on them.
German Starke Verben
A template for learning die starken Verben: it includes the verb, its conjugation in PrÀsens, PrÀteritum & Partizip II, a list of all verbs that conjugate similar and a story with images to help you remember them!
Probier's mal